The concert given in the Cathedral of The Isles last Sunday was in complete contrast to the Country and Western style which dominated the rest of the town.

The programme was a homage to the great pianist-composer Busoni , born 150 years ago, and the major work was the 2-piano version of his Fantasia Contrappuntistica. The pianists Andrew Johnston and Michael Jones played magnificently, and the work was presented in a clear and thrilling way, with an impressive build-up to an enormous climax towards the end.

For more than one member of the audience it was the highlight of the entire summer's music making in the Cathedral!

On Sunday 11 September in complete contrast, the young Scottish baritone Daniel Walsh will give a song recital, accompanied by Alastair Chisholm . This summer has been a very busy one for Daniel, including performances at the BBC Proms and also in Chicago. His programme for Millport will include two of the famous English songs of the 1900s : "Silent Noon" and "Now sleeps the Crimson petal" - real treats for Cumbrae. Usual place and time. - all welcome.