By Rev Alan Ward, Retired Church of Scotland minister

Do you ever find that life is like a balancing act? The news media are forever reporting the latest studies about what is good for us, such as a little red wine has a beneficial effect on our physical well-being. But even a little alcohol can impair our judgment, as in driving a car or operating machinery. As a regular reader of the Bible, even there I find seeming contradictions. In the Ten Commandments we are told to do all the things necessary for life on six days of the week, and then spend one whole day taking rest and deliberately not working. Yet in the book of Proverbs we are told to work hard to provide for ourselves and our families (like busy ants) and not sit about taking a nap (my Bible translation uses the word “lazybones”). Which is it to be? Everyone has to work out that balance for herself or himself. My guidance comes from thinking about how Jesus did things. Despite his busy round of teaching, discussing and healing, he also took time to reflect and pray, even when other people were clamouring for his attention. I offer you one of my favourite little sayings: “The bow that is always bent will soon cease to shoot straight.”

God bless you all.