Nursery – The Children in the nursery have enjoyed making symmetrical butterfly pictures using the blot painting technique. Children and parents are beginning to collect materials so the children can make their own bug house outside.

P2/1 – The class have enjoyed doing gymnastics in PE and have been developing our balance, rolling, jumping and landing skills. The class are looking forward to dressing up for Roald Dahl day and doing lots of fun activities to celebrate his 100th birthday!

P4/3 – This week, P4/3 wrote an imaginative story about Magic Shoes. They came up with lots of different and exciting things that happened to them when they wore the shoes. The class used our VCOP skills to make our story interesting to the reader. In Science, the class looked at the water cycle and conducted an experiment on evaporation. The class are looking forward to seeing the results of the experiment.

P6/5 – The children have been learning about Nelson Mandela in R.M.E as part of our ‘Inspirational people’ topic.

Primary 6 are looking at mental maths strategies for addition and Primary 5 are tiling with 2D shapes. The class are exploring the lost city of Petra in Jordan through independent research in our ‘Wonders of the Modern World’ topic.

P7 – P7 have started percentages and fractions in maths. The children have been working on using ‘Wow’ words in our descriptive writing. The class have also started our R.M.E topic, ‘Hinduism’ and are becoming familiar with the many Gods. P7 have continued to learn about Ancient Egypt and have learned to write our names in Hieroglyphs.