Early Years News - We now have an afternoon Early Years Class between the hours of 12.45 pm and 4.00 pm. Parents of children eligible for an Early Years place should contact the school office for further information.

Nursery are continuing with our Fairtrade Fortnight and children will be creating a poster about bananas and talking about what is fair and unfair. We have been using our new ‘I can count to 10 wall’ to help with our number recognition and using objects to count quantities.

P2 are working hard on handling data while P1 are learning all about subtraction. We have found out lots of interesting information about chocolate production and Fairtrade.

P4/3 have shared our Rainforest Diorama homework challenge. We created a rainforest in a shoe box – they look amazing. We have also been practicing our Fairtrade play for Assembly.

P6/5 We are finding out about the Battles in the Scottish Wars of Independence, including the Battle of Stirling Bridge and the Battle of Falkirk. In Maths our groups are covering Place Value, Data Handling and Decimals. In Literacy we are developing our Reading Comprehension Skills by asking our own questions about the text.

P7 are heading back to the Portal in Irvine to compete in the athletics final! In Big Writing we worked in pairs to create invitations to invite parents to our Oscars Afternoon! We have started filming our movies that will be shown at the Oscars Afternoon.

Scots Verse Winners - The Largs Cronies visited the school on 6th February to judge our Scots Verse Competition. The judges were very impressed. The class winners were Grace Craigmile P1, Clyde Sfiligoi P2, Maia Carr P3, Kaitlyn Watt P4, Fraser Lawrie P5, Brooke Beveridge P6, and Jada Kane P7. Thank you for your support in assisting the children with learning their poems.

Family Learning- Book Club: The Family Book Club arranged by Laurette Paxton, Family Learning Worker. The Book Club will run initially for four weeks (it started on Tuesday 27 February) between 3.15 pm and 4pm