The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service carried out a multi-agency exercise at the Sports Scotland Facility in Largs, that allowed all involved to test their response to a fire situation. Largs First Responders and the local emergency resilience group were also involved.

The exercise was a great success with a full evacuation and roll call being carried out involving live play casualties and facilities staff.

Largs and Millport Weekly News:

Group Manager Bruce, said “ Training for these type of events is vital for The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, if a fire ever happens we want ensure our response is effective in dealing with an emergency and exercises such as this also supports the development of multi-agency working.”

Largs Community Resilience Team opened an Emergency Rest Centre for the walking wounded at the exercise. More than 20 casulaties were registered and taken care of by the team who also assisted the First Responders and liaised with Scottish Fire & Rescue. Among other things the Resilience Team have a role locally to open such an emergency centre in the event of a major emergency. If anyone is interested in joining the team they can email

Largs and Millport Weekly News:

David MacDonald of Largs First Responders said: "This proved to be very beneficial to our members working closely with the Fire Service in the handover and treatment of 'walking and injured casualties' and the handover of those persons to the Resilience personelle for administration purposes.

"It was an eye opener to the volunteers to see how the professionals swing into action in an emergency and a privilege the be allowed to work with them."

Photos and video by Charlie Gilmour.