By Gordon Weir, Pastor, Brisbane Evangelical Church

The Jesus that the gospel writers reflect on is a complex person indeed. He is God and man at the same time. He is the fullest expression of who God is and the most complete human who ever lived.

He is the only perfect example of how to live life, yet He is the man who took to Himself the very worst of humanity. He died the death of a criminal, yet had been found guilty of no crime.

He was buried by the Romans who thought that would be the end of Him, but He came back to life and confounded them.

He has been the centrepiece of history and the whole earth measures time relating to His life on earth.

He is worshipped on every corner of the globe, 2000 years after His death and resurrection.

That’s pretty complex!

Yet in that complexity, He is the one who spoke words of truth and simplicity that have brought guidance to millions of lives ever since; ideas and principles which have guided nations, shaped education, determined justice, and brought mankind a collective social responsibility for their neighbours as well as having a moral conscience towards their enemies.

He taught forgiveness, not just as a concept but He demonstrated it in His own darkest hour; as He hung on a cross, taunted and tormented by His enemies. “Father forgive them.”

He lived a life of love and compassion but He was not a woolly liberal; not the hippy that Hollywood has often portrayed Him as.

Yet this is the same Jesus who calls His followers to come and die; to love Him so utterly and so single-mindedly that your love for anything, and anyone else, appears like hatred in comparison.

To follow him is costly. But so worth it.