LARGS Girls Brigade have worked diligently towards their badges over the last year - as they celebrate their 125th anniversary!

The badges are designed to encourage girls to show commitment and dedication, and these qualities have been reflected with passion and commitment over the last 12 months.

Skills acquired by the girls range from sign language to science, yoga, communication and learning about faiths from around the world.

Captain Vicky McGregor said: "This has been an exciting year for us as we celebrate 125 years of the organisation."

The company have had a busy year and again won the divisional swimming gala and did well in both the bible knowledge and bible passage quizzes.

Vicky added: "As part of Girls Brigades 125th birthday celebrations, girls from across North Ayrshire came to Largs to celebrate the day with us.

"We enjoyed a range of activities based around a circus theme and the girls had a delicious fish and chip supper.

"They then walked along the prom for a church service with a difference at St John's. It was a wonderful day and we celebrated our birthday in style.

"Over 700 Juniors and Explorers from across Scotland came to Kelburn Country Centre to celebrate 125 years of Girls Brigade.

"Worship was led by Rev Jonathan Fleming."

The Juniors enjoyed a camp with 5th Kilmarnock at Dumfries House and the Brigaders are looking forward to a sleepover later this month and a trip to the theatre.

Photos: Ken McKissock/John Keachie/Largs GB