Fears of wanton destruction of the back hill countryside of Largs comes under the spotlight at a special meeting this Tuesday.
The public are invited to take part in the community council open meeting at Largs Library on 16 February at 7pm concerning the controversial Halkshill commercial forestry project.
There is a growing momentum in Scotland towards the creation of community woodlands which deliver a wide range of benefits and services to local communities. 
However, Largs community council chairman Douglas Blair said: "We have had various representations by the applicant over the hydro-electric scheme and the commercial forestry project to the community council over the past few years. This is crunch time. However the applicant is reluctant it would appear to follow through on some of his original 'promises' to the community council and the town. Most recent discussions have stalled until they realised that Largs community council was to hold an open meeting. It will go ahead despite their request that we should cancel. I have asked for updated plans since December but they are not forthcoming. Forestry Commission Scotland despite being a "public body" likewise. Scottish Natural Heritage don't respond."
Largs Community Council say they have been frustrated by this approach by the developers and on a regular basis have made their views known to Forestry Commission Scotland.
Douglas said: "The destruction of the "Greeto Falls" is in my view is unpardonable and I have asked the applicant direct if the falls will be reinstated. I have not had a response. Visit Scotland and others will need to update their tourist leaflets.
"In relation to the Gogo the destruction of trees appears to have been undertaken with enthusiasm but possibly outwith the planning conditions. Some trees with bats, squirrels, birds and other habitats have been bulldozed away as they contractors chose different access routes."
"The Community Council will try its best with its limited remit to protect the area behind Largs but we don't own the land Stakis do