An independent traffic management consultant has been commissioned by North Ayrshire Council for the new Largs school campus.
Largs Community Council had raised strong concerns regarding the lack of information regarding safe routes to and from the new campus.
Chairman Douglas Blair believes that it is imperative that the community is made aware of the exact nature of the walking routes and traffic management access in terms of the new educational development.
The project manager for the Largs Campus Project has confirmed that the NAC has recently commissioned an independent traffic management consultant to review the traffic management proposals for the development which will include Largs Academy, and all three primary schools.
Douglas has contacted North Ayrshire Council regarding the appointment, and asked that there is community consultation.
He said: “I am sure we will be interested to see the findings in due course but surely local residents, local school parent councils and the community council views should also be considered by the consultant beforehand?
 “I would ask the the previous roads department reports on road safety at Holehouse, Alexander Avenue and Eastern Avenue be part of the review.”
 An invitation to the Head of Roads at NAC to attend the Largs Community Council meeting on Thursday 16 February, has been put back till a later date when more information is available.
 Crawford Forsyth, Transportation Team manager at NAC stated: “It is unlikely that the report will be available prior to your meeting, and therefore it it is inappropriate to meet at this point. The council is committed to keep the Community Council informed once the findings of this report have been reviewed.”
We recently reported that serious transport concerns about the new Largs Campus were raised at a recent meeting involving residents, Largs Community Council, and NAC.
Council officials, Morrison Construction and local councillors were present.
Resident  David MacDonald, told the ‘News’: “There are fears over congestion. When you look at it, you are going to have congestion at the junction between the entrance/exit road to the new campus and Alexander Avenue. You are going to have 300 cars meeting there every morning.”