This aerial view of the land slide at Southannan in Fairlie today shows the extent of the clean up operation necessary.

The incident has sparked concerns that the railway line may be out of action for up to three weeks. 
However rail authorities say they will be conducting a round the clock operation to try and get the track cleared as soon as possible. 

A Network Rail spokesperson said: "Specialist earthworks, drainage and overhead power engineers are on-site continuing to assess the damage caused by landslips near Fairlie and West Kilbride. At Fairlie, thousands of tonnes of debris has been deposited over a 50m stretch of track.

Largs and Millport Weekly News:

"With the hillside above the line still moving in places, we will need to continue to monitor the ground conditions before repair works can commence. Our engineers will be working around-the-clock over the coming days to make plans for the recovery of the line."