LARGS Community Council is demanding a bigger say on how cash from the seafront car park fund is spent.

Money raised from its revenue fund is ringfenced for Largs causes and has paid for Largs Skate Park, Mackerston Swing Park and the controversial automatic number plate recognition technology at the car park itself.

However, funds have also been committed in recent years to a £23,000 study for step ashore facilities at Largs bay, while there has also been a recent debate over whether monies should be committed to overhaul the seafront car park toilets.

Now community councillors want to be consulted by town councillors before any of it is spent.

Members say a poor turn out of councillors at recent meetings - with only Ian Murdoch attending - means they aren't properly being informed of plans for the cash pot.

Andy Adair, 82, said: "Previously £23,000 was wasted on a survey for a step offshore jetty. We should have been consulted on this matter first. I was also concerned that two councillors backed a £300,000 spend on a seafront toilets refurb.

"That was ridiculous."

Community councillor Jamie Black added: "We have a voice as a community council and at the very least we should be consulted before there is any more money spent from seafront car park funds.

"We also want a breakdown of what has been spent for the past five years accounts - what went in, what came out and what for.

"We are not a political body, we were nominated and elected and we want to be part of it."

Fellow member Patricia Perman says she is worried the seafront fund could be 'decimated' to pay projects the people of Largs don't want.

She added: "We are the community's voice and we must have a proper say moving forward.

"Largs is unique in that the seafront car park makes a significant difference. It is something most other towns do not have and is usually a reliable income generator for local projects - but they must be the right ones."

Member say they intend to raise the matter with councillors at the next community council meeting, which takes place tomorrow evening at 7pm at Clark Memorial Church.

Recently, the car park cash pot helped pay for a new changing places toilet near Largs seafront, as well as new illuminations for Gallowgate Square.

The fund had a balance on 1 April of 2019 of £160,482.