A TEAM of volunteers and staff at the Barony Centre are joining forces with pupils of West Kilbride Primary School in a bid to raise £1,500 for children abroad.

The money will be used to create a library for youngsters in Lembapuli Primary School in Tanzania.

The groups will be taking part in a sponsored 'splashy stomp' in West Kilbride Glen on Thursday.

The pupils will be collecting sponsorship signatures and donations and all funds raised will be donated by the school to Margie's Foundation.

Since October 2022, the P7 children have fostered new friendships with the children of Lembapuli Primary School by exchanging letters and artwork with the help of the charity.

Sally Kenyon, founder of Margie’s Foundation, says a new library for the school will bring huge benefits to pupils there.

She said: “The children have enjoyed learning about the differences between their communities and are eager to support their friends in Tanzania.

“The benefits of a new library for the school will be far reaching, encouraging the children to pursue their education into secondary education and beyond.”

Anyone who wishes to take part is welcome to come to the King’s Arms car park, with the walk lasting around 30 minutes.

Session one with P1 to P3 children will meet at 9.30am and session two with P4 to P7 youngsters will meet at 11.15am.

Donations are welcome at the Barony Centre and West Kilbride Primary School, and can also be made online at www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/margiesfoundation.