Thought for the Week by Alan Ward, retired Church of Scotland minister

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Are there dates in your life that you just can’t forget?

I’m just guessing, but I think that most of us will remember our date of birth, and probably the birthdays of families and friends.

Then there are solemn days, when we remember something important happening, like a wedding day or the day a loved one died, the day war was declared in 1939, perhaps the day Russia invaded Ukraine 2022.

In the Christian calendar, we are in the middle of the most solemn week imaginable: so unforgettable that we are still remembering it 2000 years later.

On Palm Sunday, the crowds joyfully welcoming Jesus as the liberator of an oppressed country.

On Monday, Jesus blasting religious people for putting greed before holiness.

On Tuesday, Jesus warning his friends that the corrupt leadership was going to lead to disaster for everyone.

On Thursday, the celebration of a special feast with his 12 closest friends.

And on Friday, the kangaroo court, the cowardly Roman governor, the fickle crowds on the point of riot, and the unjust execution of Jesus.

And let’s remember also the sworn friends of Jesus who stood back in fear, and a quietly influential man who provided what he thought was an appropriate last resting-place for the teacher he admired so much.

Solemn days indeed, days we can’t forget. As I reflect on those things at Eastertime, I see many of the same things happening in our world today: greed, corruption, callousness, betrayal, injustice, brutality, cowardice and yet at the same time, compassion.

Is there any joy, any hope to be found in that story? Yes. On the day we now celebrate as Easter Sunday, God the Father raised Jesus from death so that all people everywhere can see that God overcomes evil with good.

Jesus promised to return one day, to banish evil and bring in his kingdom of love.

Happy Easter!