The Largs Film Society, now in its 17th year, launches its new season in the Vikingar Cinema on September 1.

The showings take place at 7pm and include a number of critically acclaimed flicks from around the world.

As ever, a wide selection of films is being shown every three weeks, from September to May.

They range from classics like Bad Day at Black Rock and La Grande Illusion to contemporary titles such as Belfast and Good Luck to you, Leo Grande.

Countries represented in the programme include the UK, France, the US and Australia.

The season opens with the Ang Lee classic Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Under UK film society rules LFS operates as a club, and the annual subscription is £40.

The full programme and an application form can be obtained from the membership secretary, Anne Wall:

Membership is limited by the capacity of the venue so early applications are advised.