The firm behind plans to install a solar farm on Cumbrae has lodged an appeal with the Scottish Government after its application was rejected by councillors earlier this year.

North Ayrshire Council planners had initially recommended that Comsol Energy’s project at Wee Minnemoer be approved.

However, in a dramatic planning meeting councillors unanimously agreed to reject the proposed development, saying there were too many unanswered questions from the community.

The company has now appealed to the Scottish Government, saying the council’s Reason for Refusal is “vague”.

The appeal document states: “Although elected members are entitled to depart from the recommendations of their officers, when they do so it is important that it is on the basis of cogent planning considerations, and that objective evidence is provided where their reasons for refusal are of a technical nature and are contrary to the conclusions of expert professional opinion and statutory consultees.

“It has been demonstrated that the Reason for Refusal is not supported by proper analysis or evidence, and that it does not justify refusal of the proposals.

“Through the supporting information submitted with the application and this appeal, it has been established that there is sufficient infrastructure to support the proposed development.

“There will be no unacceptable adverse impact on existing residential amenity, on biodiversity or archaeology and sufficient landscape capacity to accommodate the proposed development.”

The company says the proposed solar farm would also help the country reach its renewable energy targets, and has called on the Scottish Government to reverse the planning decision.

Largs and Millport Weekly News:

The document continued: “The proposed development will contribute towards the Scottish Government’s renewable energy targets.

“This will in turn support the move to a low carbon economy, both providing energy to the grid, and allowing for more efficient and flexible use of the power and targeting the intermittent nature of renewable energy generation.

“We therefore respectfully request that the appeal is allowed, and planning permission is granted for the proposed development.”

Cumbrae Community Council fought against the proposals, pointing out that 350 written comments were received on the application, with 98 per cent of those against the plans.

The community body says it will now prepare a detailed response to the appeal, and organise a rally in support of the decision originally reached by the council’s planning committee.