Members of Largs Cronies Burns Club recently held their 2023 Annual General Meeting - and honoured a founding member who has played a key role in the organisation's development.

A special presentation took place at the AGM in in the Willowbank Hotel for Craig Anderson, who helped launch the Burns Club 33 years ago.

Club secretary Brian Jackson was re-elected as the club's president for the coming year, with Angus Middleton re-elected as vice-president and Craig Anderson treasurer.

Other committee members include Renwick Adam, Raymond Connal, Iain Currie, David Galt, Robert Honeyman, Jimmy Law, Dr Nigel Lawrie, John McCafferty and Brian Rankin.

At the meeting, the president announced that the committee had decided to honour one of the stalwarts of Largs Cronies Burns Club, Craig Anderson, by making him the club’s first honorary president.

Craig was a founder member of the Cronies, having attended the inaugural dinner at the Glen Eldon Hotel on January 25, 1990.

He attended the inaugural meeting of the Cronies, again held in the Glen Eldon Hotel, on February 21, 1990 and was elected to the committee, of which he has maintained continuous membership ever since, a total of 33 years. Then in 1996, he was elected club treasurer, a position which he still holds.

Over the years he has also served on the schools’ competition committee, organised the raffles at various functions and acted as the club’s unofficial photographer.

Despite being a founder member, Craig has never wished to become its president. It was deemed only fitting, therefore, that the Cronies should honour Craig in this way.

Meanwhile, the president also announced that the club's annual dinner would be held in the Willowbank Hotel on Thursday, January 25, 2024.

The picture shows club president Brian Jackson presenting Craig Anderson with his honorary president’s certificate.