Largs Boys Brigade have launched their Christmas Post fund-raiser with drop-off boxes at two locations in town.

From November 27 to December 13, people in Largs can post their Christmas cards in the BB's letter boxes at Morrison's supermarket and Halliday's Pharmacy - in return for a recommended donation of 25p - and the members of the 1st Largs Boys' Brigade will deliver it for you.

Delivery is available to addresses in Largs only.

Ensure the address is accurate and clearly displayed, pop the card into the BB letter box, and pop the donation into the same post slot.

You also have the opportunity to post the cards at Dunn Memorial Hall from December 7-14 from 10am and 12 noon and 2pm-4pm, except on weekends.

The BB aims to have all cards delivered by Saturday, December 23.