Anyone heading for sunnier climes to escape Scottish weather?

I'm happy with it, as I have spent enough time in hot places like India, the Middle East and the warmer parts of the western world. While enjoying the heat, I was there to help and encourage churches and charities and was often challenged by their vigour and growth. So on retiring to Largs, while happy with our weather, I'm less happy to see some church decline in North Ayrshire. Didn't Jesus say "I will build church"?

The answer is "yes" and a major part of the "how" is found where God's people unite in prayer. I saw this in Egypt, where a group of Cairo church leaders, where the church often faces hostility, called all churches to join in a night of prayer. Busloads came to the famous Mokattam Cave Church, just outside Cairo. From 6pm until 6am Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox Christians prayed in relays for the church and their beloved country. Amazingly, 70,000 attended! Such gatherings, although smaller, continue and the Egyptian church grows. Recently 17,500 people gathered in a city football stadium to hear God's word preached and each year at the January Cairo International Book Fair: about to open, the Bible Society gears up for record book sales.

Years before, I was part of a joint minister’s fraternal in Southampton that invited all local churches to share in an evening of prayer. We were surprised when several hundred turned up and so encouraged, we made it a monthly event. Eventually, 1,000 people filled the Guild Hall, with Catholic and Protestant church members praying together for spiritual revitalisation and city life. New churches have since been planted. I can only speak in detail for the church I led. We know of 17 students now in church ministry.

The Bible speaks of old men (like me) looking back and dreaming. But it speaks of younger people seeing visions. Are there some in North Ayrshire who can envision our churches growing again and will work to bring it about?