Children's use of digital technology was one of the many strengths of a nursery in West Kilbride.

Inspectors from Education Scotland said the children at West Kilbride Early Years Centre "are motivated and engrossed in their learning", after they paid a visit in December last year.

They also highlighted a "warm, nurturing ethos across the nursery developed by the manager and all staff" as an additional strength.

In their report, they said: "Almost all children talk confidently and enthusiastically with their peers and adults about their play and experiences. Children enjoy looking at books and listen attentively to stories.

"They are developing very well their mark-making and drawing skills. Children enjoy making marks in the sand and other interesting spaces using an array of carefully selected items.

"Practitioners share children’s successes and wider achievements at home and nursery through displays and learning journals."

The report also commended the staff at the nursery on Corse Street who have ensured the setting is the highest quality environment for the children to learn in.

It added: "Practitioners have used this learning well to create welcoming, inspirational learning environments for learning indoors and outdoors.

"Almost all children are highly motivated and engage well for extended periods of time in a range of well-planned and spontaneous play experiences.

"All children make effective use of a wide range of natural and open-ended resources to extend their curiosity, creativity and enquiry."

One area for improvement was identified and discussed with the manager and a representative from North Ayrshire Council.

The nursery was advised to "continue to help children to understand and talk with more detail about what they have learned and about their next steps in learning."

The full report is available on the Education Scotland website.

West Kilbride Early Years Centre has been approached for comment.