AN IMPRESSIVE total of £1,000 was raised by whisky drinkers at the Mudhook in Fairlie for the Largs Foodbank.

The fundraising event was organised by Fairlie’s Mudhook Whisky Club and presented by Billy Walker, master distiller at the GlenAllachie Distillery.

The whisky lovers who joined in on the night in Fairlie Bowling Club to raise this money enjoyed not only the fantastic range of whisky from the GlenAllachie Distillery, but an interactive evening with Billy himself who passed on his experiences from over 50 years in the industry.

Attendees also received an exclusive taste of the new Wood Range from the GlenAllachie Distillery.

A spokesperson for the organisers said: "A massive thanks to all who contributed to making the 'whisky and banter' event such a successful evening and raising such a fantastic amount of money.

"A big thanks go to the sponsors of the night including, the GlenAllachie Distillery for the whisky, the Candy Bar for the delicious pies, James of Arran for their chocolate, Geraldo’s for providing those in attendance on the night with the chance to buy, at a reduced cost, the whisky tasted on the night, Fairlie Bowling Club for use of their fantastic premises and The Men's Shed, who had made whisky and wine flutes from a GlenAllachie barrel and sold them on the evening.

"A huge thanks to these organisations who supported the evening."

Keep an eye on Facebook for announcements for the next Mudhook Whisky Club events.