Ayrshire residents are being warned of a new scam involving spray foam insulation and fake Trading Standards officials.

Some homeowners who have had spray foam insulation installed are now being contacted by companies, who say they are working with Trading Standards, to inspect and/or remove it.

Trading Standards Scotland state that their services are not currently working with any spray foam removal companies in Scotland.

Any communication suggesting otherwise is likely to be a scam.

Residents who feel they have been misled into having spray foam insulation installed should avoid responding to letters or cold callers offering to remove the insulation.

Fiona Richardson, Chief Officer of Trading Standards Scotland, said: “Consumers who feel they have been misled into having spray foam insulation installed should avoid responding to letters or cold callers offering to remove the insulation.

“We advise consumers in this situation to report any unsolicited letters which mention a partnership with trading standards to Advice Direct Scotland.”

More information can be found at https://www.tsscot.co.uk/spray-foam-customers-warned-about-removal-scams.