A 55-year-old Largs man with mobility issues who lives close to the ferry terminal says the drone of a nearby ferry is driving him up the wall - but reveals his complaints have fallen on deaf ears.

Daniel Barr, who lives in Fort Street, says he has complained to both CalMac and North Ayrshire Council about the MV Loch Bhrusda but has been given short shrift.

Mr Barr, who has various medical issues including mobility difficulties, says he finds it very upsetting, with the noise lasting from early morning until the evening at 8pm, and later on a Friday.

Even ferry aficionados refer to the MV Loch Bhrusda as ‘the noisy ferry’ in various despatches online, with Sleat Community Council on South Skye referring to her as a ‘noisy but very reliable ferry’ with a ‘slow speed of 9 knots’.

Daniel, who has rented the seafront flat for the past two years, says he loves his seafront home and has never had a problem until the new Loch Bhrusda ferry began operating and starting causing the regular droning noise.

Largs and Millport Weekly News: Daniel Barr says he feels vibrations from 'noisy ferry' as it passes frequently throughout the dayDaniel Barr says he feels vibrations from 'noisy ferry' as it passes frequently throughout the day (Image: Newsquest)

He said: “It isn’t just the noise but the vibrations and I can feel it right throughout my home.

Little circles even appear in my glass of water when I leave it on the table. I have had a stroke and mobility issues and I just want some peace and quiet.

"The problem is exacerbated when it a busy day on the ferry and vehicles are parked outside my window with the engines running and the noise is unbearable.

“I have phoned up the CalMac office to ask if there is anything they can do about it, and I also spoken to North Ayrshire Council but I have hit a brick wall, and feel that I have nowhere else to turn.

“I have to turn the television up and can still hear the droning noise. It just seems very extreme.”

One of Mr Barr’s neighbours also told the News that he was frequently awakened by the cranking of the engines as the ferry passed the block of flats in Fort Street, and claimed it could be heard as far as the Kwik Fit premises in town.

Mr Barr says the problem doesn’t go away when the ferry passes by Fort Street and heads out to Cumbrae, and says the rumbling noise continues until the ferry reaches Cumbrae Slip.

He continued: “The sound it makes is like a tractor or a bulldozer by your window. If you are sitting watching the tv, it is just constant, and really bad.

"When the traffic is backed out to the corners, sometimes you can have three or four big lorries with something to deliver to Millport, it can be really annoying.

“The noise just drives you crazy.

Largs and Millport Weekly News:

“A lot of people just leave their engines on when they park and you have a big double decker bus sometimes heading over to Millport, and the sound of all these motors on top of the droning ferry noise is unbelievable.

“Because I am disabled I can only afford so much for a property and this has been a perfect place for me for the past two ferries until this new ferry arrived.

"It is just this summer that it has happened from whenever the first ferry is in the morning to the last at night.

"When the heavy traffic starts too, it just kicks up a notch, and can go up another gear and it is even louder, and you can even hear it over your television.

"You can feel the vibrations going up your legs, and it was that bad, even with the windows shut, but of course, when you get into the summer months, you want to open your windows.”

The problem has been happening since the 35 metre Bhrusda was introduced onto the route in mid-April as relief as the MV Loch Shira is out of action awaiting repairs and not expected to return to service till mid June.

The 246 tonne vessel, was designed for the waters of the Sound of Harris, with Schottel pump jet propulsion to keep her keel from snagging.

A CalMac spokeswoman said: “We are very sorry for the disturbance being experienced by residents living close to the Largs port. MV Loch Bhrusda is covering the Cumbrae route temporarily while MV Loch Shira is repaired, and unfortunately, the vessel is louder than the ones which usually operate on this route. We sympathise that this is causing some distress.

“There is a very limited number of vessels we can use on the Largs-Cumbrae service, and replacing the Loch Bhrusda would reduce capacity even further on what is one of CalMac’s busiest routes.

“MV Loch Shira is expected to be back in service very soon, at which point vessels will return to their usual routes, and noise levels will be back to normal.

“We will also remind vehicle passengers to make sure that their engines are turned off while they wait in the queue.” 

North Ayrshire Council have been approached for comment.