CalMac has provided an update on the much anticipated return of the MV Loch Shira.

The Shira had suffered ramp problems which has put it out of action on her usual Largs-Cumbrae route.

The larger capacity vessel has been much missed from the route and CalMac were awaiting parts from Poland, and for the repair to then take place in dry dock, before returning online.

The MV Loch Shira is now docked at Troon, parts are onboard and the work is underway.

CalMac have told the Ferry Users Group that they will do everything they can to pull in the repair time and will keep them updated to how it`s progressing.

CalMac initially stated that they hoped the MV Loch Shira would return to the local route in mid-June at the earliest.

The ferry company has confirmed that they are looking to free up ferries during the day by providing late night ferries to help ship concrete materials across for flood prevention works.

The Ferry Users Group has also reported that Calmac has put an agreement in place with Mackleys the flood defence contractor to provide 'out of hours' additional crewing to operate from 8.45pm until midnight to ship concrete materials onto the island starting on Monday June 3 for several weeks.