The 80th anniversary of D-Day in Largs was commemorated on the hillside between Largs and Skelmorlie as a popular visitor attraction hosted a beacon lighting ceremony.

The prestigious event was hosted at Skelmorlie's Secret Bunker and included free competitions, a museum D-Day display, and the lighting of the beacon as darkness began to fall.

Piper Eddy Van Kaathoven performed some of the tunes played by Bill Millin, who was Lord Lovat's personal piper as the commandos stormed the Normandy beaches.

Largs and Millport Weekly News:

Largs and Millport Weekly News: Lighting of The BeaconLighting of The Beacon (Image: The Fish Works)

The Co-op stores in Largs and Wemyss Bay both sponsored the event, as did the Fish Works in Largs, which provided fish and chips to members of the 25 Group Royal Observer Corps Association, the group responsible for restoring the Skelmorlie monitoring post and opening it to the public.

Largs and Millport Weekly News: Eddy Van Kaathoven and Tiffany Irvin of The FishworksEddy Van Kaathoven and Tiffany Irvin of The Fishworks (Image: The Fish Works)

It was all free with a donation box available for armed forces charities.

A spokesperson for The Fish Works said: "What an incredible experience it was to prepare and deliver 50 fish suppers for the D-Day Beacon Lighting Ceremony.

"It was an absolute honor to be part of such a significant event."

Largs and Millport Weekly News:

In Millport, a short service was held to mark the anniversary at the war memorial in Guildford Street,