As a democratic country each of us, aged 18 years of age and over, is given a bit of control on how we are governed.

And as we are now deep into canvassing for the General Election, I wonder if you are actually going to vote?

From a Christian perspective, this right to cast our vote for the party which we believe can do the best for our country allows us the opportunity to comment on social justice, stewardship, and the concern we may have for our neighbour.

Voting isn’t merely a civic duty; it is a moral action we can take for our common good.

In the Book of Genesis, humanity is given control over the earth; a responsibility that includes the opportunity to shape and maintain just and fair societies. And voting is a means through which everyone can fulfil this, influencing the choice of Government for our day in ways that reflect God's justice and mercy.

Voting allows us the opportunity to support policies, and leaders, that embody Christian values; protecting the marginalised and the vulnerable and ensuring that the laws of the land are supportive and fair to everyone.

Can there be a better measure of the society in which we live than Jesus' command to love our neighbour as ourself?

If you are unsure whether or not it is worthwhile voting, consider your vote to be an act of love towards those who can't speak out, particularly the poor and those who are being ignored and neglected.

In the Bible, St Paul speaks to the role of government as an institution ordained by God to promote good and restrain evil.

Do we, therefore, not have a moral responsibility to engage with political processes to influence society in ways that honour God and promote the flourishing of all people that we may all live our lives to the full?

Please consider exercising your right to vote, in whatever way that may be. Because doing so can be a real and practical way to live out your faith in our ever-changing society.