A Millport bar near the seafront is set to host a live music event this weekend.

The event at The Tavern Bar will feature popular tunes from the swinging 60s, including Frank Sinatra classics.

The popular watering hole's first  musical offering of the weekend is Jack Vise on Saturday from 3pm, before the sounds of 60s swing arrives on Sunday.

(Image: The Tavern)

 'Ratpack' singer Scott D will be live in the lounge at The Tavern from 3pm on Sunday.

Scott will perform a range of swing song classics from Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and much more.

Scott D will be performing some of the big swing tunes of the 1960sScott D will be performing some of the big swing tunes of the 1960s (Image: Scott D)

The popular entertainer makes his return to the island music venue after performing at a memorable charity fundraiser at the Tavern on Boxing Day.

For more details, go to The Tavern on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/www.tavernbar.co.uk