Last week, I was singing, along with about 40 other folk, in a concert performed by West Kilbride Community Choir.

It was enjoyable for those of us who were singing, even if it was at times a little challenging.

We hope the same thing can be said for the sell-out audience, who loyally support their nearest and dearest.

The thing about singing in a group or playing in a band is that one gets a buzz out of doing things together – and most of us would never dare to sing or play a solo!

It is important to listen to the others round about us. Are we singing in time with them? Are we playing in tune with them? Am I too loud, or not loud enough?

I think everyone enjoys and benefits from the experience when we co-operate with the folks around us, rather than ignoring them or trying to compete with them.

And it occurred to me that is true not just of singing and playing an instrument, but of almost every area of our lives.

As a minister, I never felt that “my” church was in competition with any other congregation or indeed any other denomination. As a woodwind musician, I have never believed that the woodwind section in an orchestra in more important than the brass, or the strings, or the percussion.

When I was a school teacher in a large English and drama department, I think we did the best for our students when we taught co-operatively. How about you – in your family, in your neighbourhood, in your club?

In his letter to the wee congregation in Philippi, Saint Paul challenged the members with these words:

“Don't do anything from selfish ambition or from a cheap desire to boast, but be humble toward one another, always considering others better than yourselves. And look out for one another's interests, not just for your own."

Amen to that!