While overnight temperatures were warmer than normal, the seas around the UK were still icy enough to make a traditional New Year’s Day swim a chilly prospect for many.

However dozens took the plunge on Saturday morning, including at Derby Pool, New Brighton, Wirral, South Queensferry near the Forth Bridge and at Boscombe Beach in Dorset.

New Year’s Day swim
Swimmers take part in the New Year’s Day swim at Derby Pool, New Brighton, Wirral (Peter Byrne/PA)
New Year’s Day swim
Not everyone was as keen to get their paws wet (Peter Byrne/PA)
New Year’s Day swim
Joda Quigley, from Falkirk holds up a 2022 love heart Ashley Park, from Lanark, takes part in a New Year’s Day dip in front of the Forth Bridge at South Queensferry, Edinburgh (Jane Barlow/PA)
New Year’s Day swim
Fancy dress was optional at South Queensferry Ashley Park, from Lanark, takes part in a New Year’s Day dip in front of the Forth Bridge at South Queensferry, Edinburgh (Jane Barlow/PA)

The Met Office said temperatures increased overnight to reach 16.5C in Bala, Gwynedd, north Wales after a New Year’s Eve record of 15.8C was set in Merryfield in Somerset and Nantwich in Cheshire.

Met Office forecaster Craig Snell said the average temperature in December and the beginning of January is usually around 7C or 8C, with the warmer weather due to a south-westerly wind making its way across the country.

New Year’s Day swim
Despite the mild temperatures on shore, the water was still very chilly for brave swimmers in Dorset (Andrew Matthews/PA)
New Year’s Day swim
There was plenty of splashing around as the sun rose at Boscombe beach in Dorset (Andrew Matthews/PA)
New Year’s Day swim
Holding your breath only keeps the cold at bay for so long (Peter Byrne/PA)
Winter weather Jan 1st 2022
Others decided to keep warm and enjoy the waves while staying firmly wrapped up on the beach (Andrew Matthews/PA)
New Year’s Day swim
There was time to record the freezing feat for prosperity (Peter Byrne/PA)
New Year’s Day swim
Dozens took to the water on a calm New Year’s Day morning (Peter Byrne/PA)

Meanwhile, there was also a chance for those in the North West to enjoy an inner-city swim at Salford Quays.

New Year’s Day swim
Luanne Pellowe-Bailey enters the water during the Uswim New Year’s Day dip at Salford Quays (Anthony Devlin/PA)
New Year’s Day swim
A woman had the NHS on her mind when it came to flotation aides  (Anthony Devlin/PA)
New Year’s Day swim
Victoria Clayton was ahead of the field with her choice of quirky apparel too (Anthony Devlin/PA)
New Year’s Day swimmers
This daring fellow is braced for the chill at Portobello Beach in Edinburgh (Jane Barlow/PA)
New Year’s Day swimmers
People took advantage of relatively benign conditions to take to the water in Edinburgh (Jane Barlow/PA)