Moorburn Manor Nursing Home recently hosted its 8th annual nativity play for their residents, families, visitors and staff.

Nurse manager Marie Cosgrove said: "A most enjoyable afternoon was had by all, and our young cast played their parts superbly. Sandra Gillespie led the carol singing and the Rev. Alec Griffiths narrated the nativity play.

The cast were: Mary - Erin-Louise Apps, Joseph - Cory Slaven, Shepherds - Gemma Herrero Redden, 3 wise men Caspar Molly Blackburn, Balthasar - Joseph Blackburn, Melchior - Chloe Baird, Angels - Rebecca Harkins, Enid Cosgrove-Lightfoot, Narrator - Rev. Alec Griffiths, Cantor - Sandra Gillespie.