A local mum has set up a petition demanding a new school crossing ahead of the new campus opening.
Jennifer Foster has told the ‘News’ that there is a groundswell of opinion among local families for a school crossing at the bottom of Surrey Glen on Moorburn Road in Largs. The petition is available here 

North Ayrshire Council have told the 'News' that they will carry out 'further investigations' once the Campus opens.
Jennifer's online petition states: “This is the route up through the park the school want our kids to use to get to the new school Campus. 
"They have put in a crossing at the top but nothing at the bottom, not even a lollipop person.
“This is a very busy road and I currently take my daughter across the road but she was hoping to walk up to the new school on her own. I said only if there is a lollipop person there. Please sign this to ensure our kids can get across the road safely.”
Speaking to the ‘News’, Jennifer said: “It is important to have a lollipop person there due to the volume and speed of traffic on that road. I currently take my 10 year old daughter across in the morning and I struggle to get across. Usually you have to step out into the road to see around the cars parked at the shops which puts you at more risk.” 
Other mothers have rallied around with support with over 200 people having signed the petition already,
Jennifer said: “The roads have been assessed by North Ayrshire Council who say that there was not going to be a school crossing patrol person there, but when did they assess it - the middle of the night? They haven’t taken into consideration the volume of traffic going along that road in the morning. I don’t want my daughter, or any other children, dicing with death when crossing that road going back and forth to school.”
A North Ayrshire Council spokesperson said: "Pupil safety is a high priority and school crossing patrol officers will be located at key crossing points on the suitable walking routes.
“To ensure our current arrangements are robust we will carry out further investigations once the new Campus is open. This will determine if another crossing patrol is required adjacent to the Surrey Glen access.”