TRIBUTES have been paid to a dedicated volunteer labelled 'Mr West Kilbride' for his unstinting service to the town's football club.

Alistair Dick passed away recently after a short illness, aged 66.
As well as the West Kilbride AFC's chief fundraiser, Alistair was involved in a multitude of tasks behind the scenes to ensure the smooth running of the successful amateur outfit.
Club spokesperson Callum Adam says the organisation would never have survived without Alistair's efforts.
He told the News: "Alistair gave everything for the club as a player and even more when he took on a place in the committee nearly 20 years ago.The club simply wouldn’t be here without him. 
"Alistair lived and breathed the club, arranging everything from weekly fundraising to organising training, getting kits washed and sorting pitches and referees.
"He was also involved in getting the old pavilion refurbished and pursuing grants. He did everything you could think of on match days, right down to writing out the team lines."
Alistair played for the club in his younger days as a winger and went on to run West Kilbride Boys Club in the village with Alex Adam.
It proved to be a winning combination as both stepped up to take the reins at West Kilbride AFC, with Alex as manager and Alistair helping behind the scenes.
Callum, who himself plays for West Kilbride AFC, says it has taken four people to fill Alistair's boots.
Callum said: "We've split up all the duties he did, and it shows how much he put in. He did all this work off his own back.
"He would even go into the pubs after a match and drum up cash to keep the club afloat. He such a well known face around the village. 
"Alistair was there every single Saturday, home and away. He was always there to give the boys a handshake as they we went out on to the park and when they came off. Alistair was a true gentleman."
The grandfather, who lived in Kirkton Avenue, is survived by wife Olive and two sons Paul and Alistair. Outside of football he was a partner in a company in Paisley which provides electrical fittings to building sites and worked all over the country.
Callum added: "We will all miss him very much and offer our deepest condolences to Olive, Alistair, Paul and their extended family and friends."
His funeral took placae on November 4 at Clyde Coast Crematorium in Largs.
As a mark of respect, a minute's silence was held at the next West Kilbride AFC game.