P3/2 performed a very successful Assembly on Native Americans. The children were very knowledgeable about the culture, language and traditions of the Native Americans. They could also tell us which tribes inhabited parts of America and Canada.

P5 pupils also performed a very interesting topic on the Rainforest recently and were equally knowledgeable about the topic. Both classes entertained us with a range of songs and dances.

Everyone has been enjoying Health Week. There has been a range of activities organised; football, judo, yoga, street dancing, first aid, heart start, road safety, cycling and golf.

The children also enjoyed their talk from the opticians at Spec Savers and Den Building in the playground.

Classes have been working hard rehearsing songs for our School Show which will be shown at the end of May. Many thanks to the parents who have been in school helping us make costumes

for the show.

P7 have started the induction process and have visited Largs Academy to take part in a music performance. They will be visiting over the next three Mondays to take part in STEM activities.

Pupils will spend three days at the academy on the 5th, 6th and 7th of June where they will be following their timetable for next session.

We would like to give a special thank you to our Parent Council who very generously gave us money to help us to continue with our technology activities across the school.