People should not be abused because they oppose same sex marriage.

This is the plea of Largs Community Councillor Elisabethe Marshall in a letter to the 'News.

IN recent articles Mrs Marshall and her supporters of a petition opposing same sex legislation have been accused of being 'homophobic" and other criticism.

Referring to the local petition she stated: "Nobody is bullied or forced into signing. Indeed, such was the support from local residents that they quietly queued to add their names.

"I have said before and now repeat: Our campaign is not just for people of faith. Christian or otherwise, and is certainly not homophobic. It is a means of objecting to a proposal that would undermine the bedrock of our society.

It is possible to respect the rights of others while also supporting traditional marriage."

Councillor Marshall added: "I accept and, therefore, do not deny the civil rights of gay and lesbian members of our society - As a Christian I have an opinion which recognises marriage is the union of one man and one woman.

"And people shouldn't be penalised or abused just because they support traditional marriage."

The full letter and page of views in the Largs & Millport News of May 22.