A local 'Better Together' leader has stated that it is the 'Yes' campaign which are not providing the answers to people's questions about independence.

In a letter to the Largs & Millport Weekly News, Mr Richard Wilkinson said he was still waiting for information from local campaigners.

Former Conservative Councillor Wilkinson said: "It was unsurprising that James Dippie failed to answer any one of my seven questions in my recent letter. Just to re-cap, these were on 1) the currency, 2) interest rates, 3) nationality, 4) overseas trade, 5) international standing and treaties, 6) devolution v independence and 7) Is the whole thing not just a great gamble with our future? The answer to them all is that Scotland and the rest of the UK are better together.

"We are securer in the family of British nations, we are stronger in our economy and defence, our pensions are safe, our industry is stable, unemployment is dropping, interest rates are low and we have weathered the international economic storm, almost better than any other G20 nation. We have a stable and mature democracy which is reflecting the Scottish desire for a greater say over our own affairs without the sacrifice of a leap into the dark." Mr Wilkinson added: "No argument will ever persuade a dedicated nationalist. However, for the rest of us, I am confident that the positive case for the continued role for Scotland in the UK will prevail.

"As a strange side issue, Mr. Dippie asks if Councillors Alex Gallagher, Donald Reid and myself have ever “organised anything locally with the significance of an Employment Fayre? With combined service of XX years as Councillors and XX years as Community Councillors, we are surely bound to have done something significant!

Would lobbying successfully in the Eighties as I did for the electrification of the railway to Largs count?"