In a letter to Largs News, street ambassador for Explore Largs Val Gumley has said she was surprised by the response of two visitors to Largs when asking them not to feed the seagulls.

As part of a large team who are working on the Keep Largs Clean and Tidy, and Don’t Feed the Gulls campaign I was dismayed at an encounter on the prom on Thursday afternoon.

After finishing my shift during which I was distributing the clean and tidy leaflets to local fast food outlets, I decided to bask a little in the sunshine on the prom and observe the gull situation.

I had heard that they had been trialling the hawk scenario, and as I sat amongst locals and tourist enjoying their chips and ice creams, I was struck by how quiet the gulls were. It was a good breakthrough, I was thinking.

Just then two elderly ladies approached pushing their walking aids and just as they stopped alongside one of the bins displaying the large ‘Don’t feed the Gulls’ signs, one of the ladies reached into her zimmer bag and pulled out some bread crusts which she then proceeded to throw on the ground.

I politely asked her if she would refrain from feeding the gulls and explained that we were promoting a campaign against such activity. Her response was to say “Yes well we’re from a seaside town too and there’s always some campaign or other going on “ and then promptly threw more crusts on the ground and strolled on by.

The previously absent gulls came out of hiding immediately, swooped on the bread and then gathering momentum proceeded to annoy the visitors enjoying their refreshments - unbelievable!

Val Gumley