One of of the most spectacular ways of capturing brilliant images of events taking place in the area is through the use of drones.

Peter McLardy has captured some excellent aerial pictures of Largs Pencil and promenade with the high flying devices, and now spectacular footage has surfaced from the Cumbrae-Largs swim using the impressive technology.

To view it, just go to the Facebook page ‘Cumbrae to Largs Swim in aid of Gillian’s Saltire Appeal’ to view the action, filmed by George Muirhead.

It certainly got the thumbs up from the swimmers, and lynn Mac described it as a ‘fabulous way to view the race’.

You can also view spectacular footage of the ‘Millport raft race 2015’ at youtube. It was a stunning day, and Millport looks very tropical!

The benchmark has been set - so we asked explore largs about using the technology during the Viking Festival and other big events in the largs area.

Town centre manager John Hamilton told ‘Click Talk’ that they had looked at the possibility, but due to the nature of Largs, it was felt at the current time that it was too difficult to do, although it has not been ruled out in future.

Of course, Explore Largs opted for a popular television commercial which got viewings around the world via the worldwide web, and appeared during commercial breaks on highly rated TV shows.

You can also see pictures of all the participants with their medals at the Gillian Saltire Appeal Facebook site.