A couple who live much of the year in sunny Florida, USA have warned that Largs is building too many houses.

Mr and Mrs Brian Forbes who have a home in Acre Avenue, Largs have read the controversy over plans for hundreds of new houses around the Brisbane Glen area.

Mr Forbes told the 'News': "As property owners in Largs, and residing in the USA it is hard to think of the beautiful countryside becoming "downtown Gralgow".

When the economic environment there is tight, just like it is here, who is going to live in all these new "homes" or are they to stay empty and then look like "%#%&^^$" after a couple of years? That is what has happened here in Florida. All these "new" homes, yet no one to live in them as there is no money, jobs, etc. so they stay empty and no revenue comes in; just an eyesore and destruction of the local enviroment." The full letter and many more in the Largs & Millport Weekly News of July 6.