I was amused to see SNP Councillor Anthea Dickson’s letter headlined “ Independence to End ….” What will “Independence” end ? Not much if you believe the “Independence Lite” argument of the Nats . They say will keep the Queen, and the Pound – well until last week’s bombshell- and lots more if you believe Alex Salmond .

But in reality Independence or to give it its real name ‘Separation ‘will mean the end of lots of other things. Scotland’s founding DNA is inextricably part of the UK the most successful 300 year old democracy in the world.

No more will we have the British Red Cross, British Legion, British Army, British Broadcasting Corporation , British Heart Foundation ,British Grand Prix, ,British Lung Foundation , British Airways, British Museum, etc. ad infinitum . If Cllr Dickson’s Separatists win and the under-occupancy charge (aka bedroom tax) is removed there will be no more hope for the 799 applicants on the North Ayrshire Council House waiting lists who are overcrowded and cannot be rehoused till under-occupied houses are made available.

Yes “no more “will be an often used phrase if the Separatist get their way particularly for those who wish to remain Scottish as well as British Cllr Tom Marshall Conservative & Unionist